Recently students have been coming forth about the use of dating sites on campus. One of these sites is Craigslist personals. The site allows students to post ads for dates in their area, typical ads include a picture, description of hobbies, and a short introduction.
Recently the school council discussed the risk of abuse that craigslist personals has in the community. For one, over 100 murders across the country have been linked to fake craigslist personal ads. Criminals will use fake photos and fake information, posing as an attractive student, to lure younger students into a situation that can be dangerous. It's important for students using online dating to meet in a public place and only go home with people after a few dates. It also doesn't hurt to start with a double date or bring a friend along on the first outing.
Another issue that arrises with sites like craigslist personals, backpage, and other online dating sites, is sex trafficking. Criminals will use these sites as a way to post ads for 'paid sex' that involves a minor. Legistlation is currently underway to make this illegal and require sites like craigslist personals to have strict regulation of ads, in order to protect people from sex trafficking.
The final issue discussed was that of STIs and protection. People that use sites like craigslist personals will often have multiple partners and be engaging in risky sex. It's important for students to protect themselves and use condoms and other barriers during intercourse with new people. Your community's planned parenthood center has free condoms and lubricants available, so money should never be an excuse.
Update 2018: Craigslist Personals Taken Down
I know it's been a while since we wrote this article, but there has been a big change that is very relevant. In 2018 congress voted to make these sites illegal, including craigslist personals. The result is many sites like backpage were raided, and other sites like craigslist personals opted to shut down instead of hire additional employees to do detailed monitoring. Now, students have been using alternatives and replacements that are more sercure. Sites like this have details on new craigslist personals alternatives people use after the changes.